As part of my coverage of the 2016 TCM Classic Film Festival (which I’ll abbreviate to TCMFF from hereon), I’m debuting a new feature for my blog–The Road to #TCMFF 2016. Pieces in the series will focus not only on things to do and see while at TCMFF, but also on the fan culture associated with the biggest classic movie festival of them all.
Today I start with what any person following the festival and its fans on social media will notice–that classic film fans love of TCM extends to wearing items declaring their movie love–buttons. All over social media posts about buttons can be found. Buttons bought in advance; buttons won and worn at the event; and buttons hoarded as beloved trinkets.
Here are some social media posts past and recent showing off fans’ TCMFF buttons:
Can you tell I like the buttons&hoarding other @tcm related things? #TCMFF through the years, 2012-2014 @tcmfilmfest
โ Kim L. (@Kimbo3200) March 19, 2015
More winners. @materialgirl850 And @classicmovieblg At #TCMFF. Roman Holiday buttons. ๐
โ Classic Movie Hub (@ClassicMovieHub) March 28, 2015
A photo posted by Nitrate Diva (@thenitratediva) on
More winners of #TCMFF#Trivia CONGRATS! #BusterKeaton buttons!
โ Kellee Pratt (@IrishJayhawk66) March 27, 2015
Buttons from previous #TCMFF s
A photo posted by CitizenScreen (@citizenscreen) on
As you can infer by blogger Kim Luperi’s (I See a Dark Theater) tweet, the festival’s been producingย official buttons since the 2012 edition. Fansย promoting the festivalย on social media were awarded the buttons when they went to its Info Desk. Eventually the program was expanded to the general festival goer. Anyone could win a button byย finding a roving Social Media Producer and asking for one or answering a trivia question.ย
From a marketing perspective, it was a smart move by TCMFF to give away fandom buttons. They’re small, relatively inexpensive items that pack a big emotional reward for fans. They’re worn at the festival and outside of it. They’re featured throughout social media before, during, and after the fest. If a fan doesn’t want to put a hole in a favorite clothing item, festival lanyards provide a perfect landing strip.ย That’s free promotion performedย by fans with enthusiasm for a beloved broadcaster. Entrustingย the button giveaways to the Social Producers meant earning a button becomes a fan distracting game at an event where the lines start for screenings an hour or more before showtimes.

I confessย I’m excited about collectingย buttons when I’m at the fest this month! I find the idea fun. I’d like to decorate my lanyard, and the buttons will give me something to talk about with others after the event. I have a collection of lanyards and buttons from other festivals that’s almost complete. I went on a cleaning binge one year and disposed of a few lanyards and recycled a few festival program books, whichย the part of me that enjoys collecting movie-related items like books, postcards, and prints regrets.
I imagined others like the buttons for the same reasons and more. Just like clothing and style,ย subcultural or not, can indicate what social tribe(s) a person belongs to, these buttons show their owners to be part of “Club TCM” (a concept turned into an actual place at the festival). They’re a group ranging from devoted to extremely hardcore. Members may or may not be shy in person, but are very extroverted in sharing their love, praise, constructive criticisms, and fan art of the network online.ย Even if the TCM variant of classic film fans have nothing else in common but love of the station, the buttons are signifiers they share something major to talk about and bond over.
Since I’ve not attended the festival yet, I searched social media for previous attendees to ask about their buttons. I received responses via theย Facebook group Going to TCM Classic Film Festival!ย and Twitter. The following are selectedย responses.
Christy Putnam, San Jacinto College Instructor, Classic Film Examiner Reporter, & The Silver Screen Oasis Administrator
Christy has attended TCMFF since its beginning in 2010. She’s been collecting the official buttonsย since 2012. She usually wears them on her lanyard, but she never wears all of them at theย same time.ย She doesn’t wear her buttons too often outside of the festival. She doesn’tย usually display them at work, just when she goes to Fathom events.ย When she looks at her buttons,ย they help her remember how much fun she had the night she saw aย film or at the event where she acquired them. Sheย hangs all her lanyards with buttons by a display box near her bed that has a photo of her as a baby with her mom and a photo of her with her son as a baby, a vintage beaded bag, and a few other personal items. Obviously, she stores her buttons with other itemsย of great emotional importance.
Stephen Reginald,ย Writer, Editor, Consultant, Social Media Strategist, Neighborhood Blogger in Chicago’s South Loop, & Classic Film Expert
Stephen attended hisย firstย TCMFF last year, and he’ll attend again this year. He wears his buttons on his festival badge. He doesn’t wear them outside of the TCMFF. He stores his buttons in his bedroom. He keeps them attached to hisย festival badge, which hangs on the doorknob there.ย To him, the buttons are mementos. Theyย help him relive happy memories of the festival, and they’re reminders ofย some great film experiences. He had fun getting the buttons and talking with the person that gave them to him and also talking about the performers and/or the movies depicted on them.ย When he sees his buttons at home, he thinks of the movies he saw and/or the actors who starred in them.
Rhonda Broyles, San Antonio, TX, Decision Science Analyst, Lover of All Things TCM & TCMFF
This year’s festival will be Rhonda’s fourth, and she’s been collecting the buttons every year she’s attended. She wears her buttons on her official lanyard. She’s wearing two now to fit them all. She does wear her buttonsย outside of the fest. Her office wearsย lanyards, so she’ll usually wear herย TCM swag the first week back. ย Her friends all know this has become a tradition, so the buttons are a kind of a conversation starter. Usually everybody’s first question is, “Who did you see?!” Rhondaย loves buttons, and she’s been collecting pins and buttons since the late seventies, so she loves the hunt! She knows they’re something she’ll always have. Herย buttons make herย think of the whole experience, walking down the red carpet, meeting a star or two, the buzz of Hollywood. After the festival’s done, she’sย got a place at herย office where her lanyards hang until the next year. Having them there makes herย happy.
Readers, do you have treasures from film festivals you’ve attended? Comment about your keepsakes and what they mean to you below! They don’t have to be TCMFF buttons.
I’m not done writing about TCMFF buttons yet! Lookย for an upcoming interview with an entrepreneurial artist and TCM fan, who sells her own TCMFF-related jewelry.
Chris Sturhann
Cool beans. I guess I should say, I do collect them, though I just wear what I get at the festival at the show on my lanyard. I don’t take it super seriously or anything. The only one I was bummed I didn’t get was the Dingle button Alan Hait did last year.
I decided to jump on the button bandwagon. I’ve been doing classic film related artwork lately. I decided to order some buttons, two designs, both film noir, one most people will get right away, the other is a little obscure.
Thanks for dropping by the blog, Chris, and leaving a comment!
I can’t resist asking what’s a Dingle button? Is that a movie character?
Neat that you’ve gotten into making your own! I wonder if I’ll be able to guess what the obscure design is of? I love film noir, yet there are so many of them for me to watch, especially Poverty Row productions. A great problem to have!
Fun idea and post! Sorry I saw your request for comments too late. Looking forward to seeing you at the fest!
Thanks, Aurora! Perhaps I’ll have something else to interview about for me blog at the fest? Looking forward to seeing you, too!
Patricia Nolan-Hall (@CaftanWoman)
“Theyโre a group ranging from devoted to extremely hardcore.” Lovely line to describe the classic movie fan.
I have a few buttons from my youth (Gene Autry, etc.), but they are keepsakes in a box somewhere. I picked up a Laurel and Hardy button at the Toronto Silent Film Festival a couple of years ago and I wear it to every silent film screening I attend, comedy or drama. I keep hassling the Festival admins for a William S. Hart – just for me. They duck when they see me coming.
Thank you, Patricia! I was hoping to get a chuckle out of someone who understood that line. So true about classic film and TCM fans!
Love that you shared your buttons stories! From what I’ve seen the Toronto Silent Film Festival folks are very much into button-making. Perhaps they only need to be convinced to screen a Hart and then the can’t say no to a corresponding button? ๐
Patricia Nolan-Hall (@CaftanWoman)
You are on the money. It is more to the point that they have yet to screen “Bill Hart” at the Toronto Festival that has me wagging my finger while they duck their heads.
Hahaha! Uh, oh! I’ve started something going. ๐