The Alabama Hills are a photographer’s delight. When I visited, no matter what direction I looked in, I was surrounded by majestic and extremely photogenic beauty. All around me were rock formations that varied in shape and height, even within clusters. As morning turned into afternoon and the sun changed its angle in the sky, light slid across the landscape and highlighted formations in new ways. A formerly familiar spot could feel like a fresh discovery.
It’s no wonder filmmakers from the silent era to the present have been enchanted by the hills. They’re a gorgeous, natural backdrop that requires no painting or CGI. They are scene ready. Nearby spots can bear little resemblance to each other. What looks like a long journey onscreen might only have required careful editing after a cinematographer’s camera was moved mere yards and pointed in another direction.
Because the hills are a protected habitat, they remain unchanged, except by the light and the elements. That gives the place a feeling of timelessness. If you’ve ever seen a movie shot there, it’s very easy to recognize locations. You simply have to go in search of them. If you let your imagination run while you wander, you could expect to see cowboys on horseback or hear a gun battle or stumble upon a temple.
If you ever get a chance to visit the Alabama Hills, especially during the Lone Pine Film Festival, you must! You’ll find yourself somewhere beautiful and full of film history.
Patricia Nolan-Hall (@CaftanWoman)
My goodness, that is a beautiful photograph. What a phone in the hands of the right person can’t do these days.
I look at those rocks and I feel right at home. My family has accused me of watching way too many westerns in my lifetime. I say that’s not possible. You can’t watch too many.
I did boost my photograph’s color a little, but only because I think iPhones desaturate the images they capture.
I’m sure you would love Alabama Hills and Lone Pine! After all of the movies you’ve seen, you’d likely recognize parts. The town has a quiet way of life, and both spots have poor cell phone reception, so being present and not distracted isn’t hard.
Westerns are a lot of fun! They weren’t a genre I naturally gravitated to, but my husband loves them, so we’ve watched quite a few together, and I enjoy them. We’ve been making a special effort to find ones on disc filmed there!