In March, I shared tips on how TCM Classic Film Festival goers could maximize their onsite fun. At the time I hoped the festival would proceed. I hoped the coronavirus would not impact our country the way it has. When the Academy‘s Margaret Herrick Library closed, a venue for one of TCM Backlot‘s festival tour contests, I realized the big event would either follow suit or postpone. I watched social channels for an announcement.

A fan leaked news of cancellation on Facebook, and the next day TCM released their official statement. In a video played on the network and further disseminated through social media, primetime host Ben Mankiewicz announced the cancellation. Like fans suspected, a film festival in the heart of Hollywood involving international guests could not easily be postponed.

The network’s promise to hold the festival next year showed its commitment to the event and gave fans something to look forward to. At the same time, the festival operates like a reunion for repeat attendees, some of whom only see each other once a year. I’ve chatted with attendees who told me the festival is their big annual vacation. Fans lost their biggest social event of the year, making sheltering in place even more isolating for them.

Less than two weeks later, Turner Classic Movies released a new video featuring Mankiewicz. The network is very fan-centric and adept at monitoring and analyzing fan responses. There was an obvious need to fill the week of the cancelled festival, and viewers are literally stuck at home. Mankiewicz announced a “Special Home Edition” of the festival!

Starting Thursday, April 16 at 5 PM PDT and running through Sunday, April 19, TCM viewers will be treated to “movies and moments from the past decade” of the festival. Previously the network would program movies and filmed interviews into regular scheduling after the festival. It is a first for its airwaves to offer a virtual festival attendable by anyone with access to TCM.

Even without the festival airing yet, I’d say this is a win for TCM. Not only are fans engaged who would’ve attended the Hollywood festival, but also the event is accessible to the greatest number of fans. Those who were precluded due to budget, disability, work or school schedules, geography, etc, no longer wish they could attend. They simply have to turn on the network. The TCM festival party has opened for most fans. Welcome!

To view the full schedule, click here.

Beth Ann Gallagher

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Blogger Beth Ann Gallagher explores the best of all eras of film and television, with a special emphasis on the classic, silent, period pieces, and international.


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