Thanks go to Letícia Magalhães of the film blog Crítica Retrô for hosting Day 1 of the Luso World Cinema Blogathon! You can find a link to all of Friday’s posts here.
I was the host for Day 2 of the blogathon, which occurred on Saturday, January 16. Here are the posts that went live that day. You are in for some good reads!

Rebecca Deniston of Taking Up Room reviews THE GANG’S ALL HERE (1943) and discusses The Lady In the Tutti-Frutti Hat, Carmen Miranda!
Louise Fazenda

Ruth from Silver Screenings highlights Louise Fazenda’s comedy shorts HEARTS AND FLOWERS (1919) and DOWN ON THE FARM (1920) as well as revealing her legacy of philanthropy work.
Daniel Brühl

Sally Silverscreen at 18 Cinema Lane reviews LADIES IN LAVENDER (2005), a film featuring actor Daniel Brühl, son of German-Brazilian TV director Hanno Brühl.
Stay tuned for more blogathon posts to go live today!