For the Love of Film (Noir) Blogathon: The Bookseller Babe in The Big Sleep (1946)

Perhaps because I’ve worked as a bookseller, I’ve always felt a special affinity for Dorothy Malone‘s bookstore proprietress in The Big Sleep. In the film private detective Philip Marlowe investigates an increasingly confusing case that centers around a dysfunctional family. Clues keep leading him back to one blond sister or the other. The younger has gotten…

For the Love of Film (Noir): The Mechanical Man of CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS (1953)

John H. Auer‘s CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS is an odd hodgepodge of a film. It crosses noir with docudrama with the guardian angel film. Its villains, Hayes Stewart, Lydia Biddel, and Penrod Biddel, are far more compelling than the lead Johnny Kelly. He’s a cop dissatisfied with his life. His hardworking wife Kathy Kelly fears he’s distant due…

For the Love of Film (Noir): Christmas Holiday (1944)

Any holiday can bring out the worst in people, but Christmas Holiday really isn’t about the supposedly joyous season. It’s a noir, so how can it be? A soldier’s Christmas leave provides the frame for the story. He”s just been jilted by his sweetheart, and he’s angry, so angry that he has to call upon…

For the Love of Film (Noir) Blogathon

This month I’m participating in the For the Love of Film (Noir) Blogathon. I caught on to last year’s too late to participate, but eighty-one other film bloggers raised $30,000 in donations and matching funds for film preservation. Two early shorts were saved. This year’s beneficiary is the Film Noir Foundation. Headed by Eddie Muller,…