While this idea has been gesticulating in my head for a while, I did not want to be the only host of this blogathon. Besides it being my first, I am very aware that I come from an American point-of-view informed by my version of a Portuguese-American experience. I am third generation born here on my mother’s side, and I am not only Portuguese-American. I wanted to find a co-host that would bring her own perspective and talents.
I am happy to share that Letícia Magalhães of the blog Crítica Retrô agreed to co-host! I met Letícia through the Classic Movie Blogging Association. She is a talented, prolific, and passionate film writer. She lives in Brazil, and she is fluent in and publishes in both Brazilian Portuguese and English. Additional writings of hers can be found at Cine Suffragette, a publication about empowerment and representativeness in film. She’s a positive member of the film blogging community and always a pleasure to chat with.
Every Page About the Blogathon!
The Luso World Cinema Blogathon, Part 1: Why?
The Luso World Cinema Blogathon, Part 2: Co-Host
The Luso World Cinema Blogathon, Part 3: Who or What to Write About?
The Luso World Cinema Blogathon, Part 4: Guidelines
The Luso World Cinema Blogathon, Part 5: Banner Art
The Luso World Cinema Blogathon, Part 6: The Participants & Topics